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International Coffee Day

Mio S.

Fall has finally arrived, which means coffee season is here! On top of that, October 1st was International Coffee Day. And over 1 billion people all over the world drink coffee every morning. But why is that? People do claim that coffee brightens their day and makes them happier, but is this actually true? It has been scientifically proven that coffee does make people a genuinely happier person and here’s why…

  • Enhances Brain Function ☕️

Although coffee won't actually make you a more intelligent person, coffee will keep you sharp and motivated. It inhibits adenosine, which enables you to be more awake and maintain focus. Your blood's level of oxygen may rise as well, which may benefit your brain. You can think more clearly, solve issues more quickly, and come to judgments. Studies have also shown that drinking coffee lowers the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. In fact, drinking 3-5 cups of coffee per day can decrease the risk of dementia by 65 percent!

  • Reduces Depression ☕️

Depression is a serious issue, which can severely affect your mental health. Coffee, it's true, can be beneficial. According to studies, coffee drinkers are 53 percent less likely to commit suicide and 20 percent less likely to experience depression. Caffeine's effect on the body's production of dopamine, the brain chemical responsible for happiness, is one of the explanations. In other words, your cup of coffee makes you joyful because it activates the brain's neurotransmitters.

I also once read a quote about how coffee can brighten someone's day in a book, and I felt like it's a quote everyone needs to hear:

“I take a drink of my coffee and close my eyes because life can be so cruel and hard, and I’ve wanted to quit living it so many times, but then moments like these remind me that happiness isn’t some permanent thing we’re all trying to achieve in life, it’s merely a thing that shows up every now and then, sometimes in tiny doses that are just substantial enough to keep us going.”

I think little things, like a good cup of coffee in the morning, can alter someone's perspective and make them more motivated for the day/ week. When I'm feeling worn out or overwhelmed, a cup of coffee always brightens my day and reassures me that everything will be just fine. So have a happy international coffee day!


Aten, Jason “3 Scientific Reasons Coffee Makes You Happier and More Productive” Inc,

“Top 74 Coffee Quotes to Energize Your Day” Gracious Quotes, August 16, 2022,

“1 October is International Coffee Day” International Coffee Organization,


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