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How lazy are you?

Hatice K.

Have you ever wondered why you are so lazy? Why is it that you know exactly what you need to do yet you are still waiting, waiting without any reason? Perhaps maybe there is something wrong with you, you have this incurable thing that is laziness. You might have a laziness that you are born with, that is part of who you are, that is anchored in the deepest corners of your brain. Well, it’s time to look at it from another perspective. We often see laziness as a trait that some people happen to have, however laziness is just describing how you respond to your environment. It is not a set attribute that we have. In order to change, we must look at the reason for our actions. There is a wide range of problems that might prevent you from working.

1. Depression and medical conditions

Many people overlook their physical and mental health. Perhaps a common symptom of depression is a lack of motivation and fatigue; it can be hard to detect depression, and mistake it for something else. Depressed people will often criticise themselves for being lazy. It is also important to know that feeling fatigued and exhausted can be symptoms of medical conditions such as thyroid disorder. Your lack of motivation may be the sign of an untreated disease or depression.

2. Fear of failure and expectations

Sometimes we tend to focus so much on our goal of being successful that it becomes a source of anxiety. Being scared of not being good enough is too overwhelming that we would rather not do anything and avoid our tasks completely. No one can really fail something if they did not even try it, therefore it is safer to not start at all. It would also be easier to not do much so that others do not have high expectations of us. Setting the bar low for ourselves is an easy way to stay away from responsibilities and the possibility to deceive others. “Lazy” people are often scared of failure or having too much expectations from others.

3. Communication

Things that remain unsaid usually reveal themselves through our actions. One could be dissatisfied with something, however if they are not able to express it, they might show it with their laziness. Imagine being in a group project with someone that is irritating you; your motivation to help the group could drop very easily. Not working can be a way of showing your dissatisfaction with the people in your group. On the other hand, one could desire to be taken care of, but it could be hard to show it. Therefore, they opt for laziness to get others to do things for themselves. They can rely on their lazy actions to manipulate others into helping them. Despite the criticism they might get, it can work really well. However these actions can be tiring for people around us; it is important to not rely on them too much and have a balance so that they can rely on us as well.

Next time you call yourself lazy, remember to think about the reasons for it. If you want to stop procrastinating, you need to first solve the cause of the problem. Keep in mind that this article does not include all possible sources of laziness, feel free to do further research if it does not answer your “why” question.



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