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Forever's Not Out of Reach - Prologue


Updated: Feb 12, 2022

To celebrate Valentine's season this year, I will be making a four-part romance story which will be uploaded once every week this February. Here is a little prologue to introduce the characters. Enjoy ;)

“Good Morning!” Morgan greets her best friend sitting on a chair with his head leaning on his palm. She pats his head as she sits down beside him, dropping her bag onto the floor.

“What exactly is good about mornings, Morg?” Vincent scoffs, repositioning himself to lean his head on his arms on the table.

Morgan scoffs back, “What’s gotten your panties in a twist, Vince?”

“You’re too cheery on a Monday morning.” He complains.

“I’m always cheery.” She stared him down to elicit the actual reason for his crankiness.

“It's the end of January,” Vincent states in an incredulous tone.

Morgan tilts her head inquisitively, urging him to continue his rant, “And?” She nods, starting to get impatient.

He sighs, “Which means that it’s going to be February.”

“I can’t read your mind, Vincent, just say the whole thing-”

“Which means that it’s dating season, Morgan! It’s February, and I’m still single!” He complains, lowering his head when a few of their classmates enter the classroom, giving Vincent a weird look.

Vincent points to her side, his eyes following the piece of paper that was placed by the popular kid of their year, Marco. She reaches to her side, taking it, opening it to read the text, and immediately disposing of it by crumpling the paper in her hand. Vincent gives an apologetic smile towards Marco who glared at him.

Marco always walked with poise, he was a gentleman– at least to Morgan he was– forcing himself to walk in front of Morgan to open doors for her, reaching out for her hand when she was stepping off of somewhere high in PE and such. There was no hiding that he had fancied her. He was popular for music, having serenaded the whole school in the talent show when he had first showed up in year 8.

Morgan has been the girl that everyone seemed to just take a liking to– vying for her attention, or asking her on dates and whatnot. Vincent on the other hand– although quite an attractive guy– not so much:

There was Year 7 with Molly Giffins:

“You should ask her out if you like her so much,” Morgan suggests while picking her maths notebook out of her locker.

Vincent spots Molly a few meters away, “I mean it wouldn’t hurt to try.” She continues with a shrug, placing her pencil case on top of the notebook she held.

Molly approached and Vincent showed a crooked smile, “Hey, do you wanna-”

“No.” Molly immediately rejects, walking away while giggling with the girl she walked with.

Vincent pleadingly looks at Morgan, “I didn’t mean now!” Morgan whisper yells, closing the door to her locker as she started to walk to the classroom, dragging her now sluggish best friend along with her.

Then Year 8 with Moira Bailey:

“I’m gonna ask her out” Vincent states as they rode the bus home. Vincent daydreamed out of the window while Morgan kept one earphone out to listen to her best friend’s thoughts.

“What do you have to lose.” She sighs with a shrug.

And he asked her out the next day at morning break. To Morgan’s surprise, Moira took on the offer and went out with Vincent that weekend. They lasted until the end of the school year, Moira having to leave the country because of her Father’s work… Vincent was heartbroken for most of the summertime. Their days usually spent biking in the outdoors were spent inside with sad, cheesy, romance movies and pints of ice cream.

Then finally, in the previous year, there was Melissa Harriet from Year 9: an absolute disaster.

“I’m gonna go ask her out.” Vincent stares at Melissa from afar, dazed as he and Morgan ate lunch.

“Bad idea,” Morgan states, flipping to turn to the next page on Romeo and Juliet.

“It’s about time I move on from Moira, right?” He questions, not listening to his best friend.

“Yea, but not with Melissa- you’re not her type,” Morgan nonchalantly mentions.

“I’m gonna go ask her out.” Vincent nods with determination, standing up and walking over to Melissa. Morgan stares, looking down only when she made eye contact with the girl Vincent was pursuing… Or attempting to.

She feels the bench shift a minute later, indicating that Vincent had returned.

“How’d it go, Vince?” Morgan flatly asks, picking her milk box up and taking a sip of the liquid.

“She said,” He paused for dramaticism, “And I quote, ‘I’m sorry but I would rather date your best friend.’” He defeatedly says which makes the girl beside him shoot milk out of her nose.

“Ow.” Morgan mewls while continuing to laugh.

“Don’t laugh!” He says, on the brink of crying, handing her tissues to help with the mess she had created.

“I told you so!” She laughs, blowing her nose as she held up a piece of tissue for him.

“What’s that for?” He questions, dreading the answer she held for him.

She tries her best to keep her laughter in as she says, “For your years of rejection-” She places the tissue down, quickly shooting up from her seat to narrowly avoid his slap on her arm, “I’m sorry!” She continues to laugh, looking around and muttering apologies to the people around her who gave them nasty glares.

Morgan blinks, crossing her arms across her chest, still processing his words.

“And that’s it?” She asks.

“That’s it.” He nods with a sigh, reaching his hand out, “How are you so lucky with people asking you out all the time? It’s not like you go out with them.” He opens the crumpled paper and it read ‘Meet me at the field on valentines day?’

“Why does Marco have a way of making his invitation to a date sound like an invitation to your demise?” He questions with a chuckle, and she snatches it off his hand, crumpling it once again.

“He wants to be mysterious, leave it be.” Morgan rolls her eyes.

“Are you going?” He asks.

“I don’t know, are you gonna stop whining?” She asks.

“No.” He sinks back into his seat, looking up at the clock, praying for it to move faster as to distract him from his thoughts.

“Maybe I want to.” She shrugs, “You won’t know, you care about your own love life too much to ask.” She smirks.

“You’re so mean.” He mutters.

“No, I’m bluntly honest. You know who’s mean?” She questions, making Vincent look up at her.

“James.” He groans as James entered.

“What’s up, dumbos, y’all saw my maths tournament last night? The points were all on me!” He greets the class, making everyone either groan or roll their eyes.

"Jerk.” Morgan and Vincent mutter in unison.

James is and has been at the top of the class, grades wise. Personality-wise? The whole class would agree on the fact that he was at the bottom of that category. He had blond hair, blue eyes, wore glasses, is sporty, attractive, rich, and smart. What doesn’t he have?

“Ayo, Morgan, have you thought about my offer yet?” He yells from across the room as the teacher enters the classroom.

Morgan sighs with relief as she was saved by the bell, “Let’s not bother Miss Laurent with dating invitations, Mister Spencer, and sit down so we can learn about some Fiestas around the world.”


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