The Dolphin Wave
This year, the annual NIS Ted-Ed Event hosted by the NIS Ted-Ed Club was held in the MPH on April 8th! The NIS Ted-Ed Club is a year-long club that allows students from grades 9 through 12 to inquire into a topic of their interest, discover what makes a good ted talk, and in the end, create a talk of their own to present at the annual NIS Ted-Ed Event. This year, 5 students from grades 9 through 12 presented their talks to NIS staff and high school students.
Hatice. K provided a thought-provoking talk on her realizations of how others mistakenly perceive her religion, titled “Am I really the outlier?” Mina. N provided a moving yet powerful talk on the importance of showing gratitude and recognizing those working behind events, titled “Behind the Scenes”. Taro. O provided an insightful talk on how young people can plan for their financial futures, titled “A Passion for Investing”. Bruno. A presented an entertaining yet thought-provoking talk on strategies to manage sleep and controlling your time, titled “Perception’s Effect on Sleep”. Wakana. K provided an enlightening talk on how history does not have to define an individual, titled “Can history define who we are?”. The inspiring, enjoyable, and memorable talks presented this year resulted in many positive comments and feedback from the NIS community. The NIS Ted-Ed Club looks forward to and is always welcome to meeting new members seeking to use their love of public speaking or improve on their public speaking to talk about their passions.
If you are interested in joining the club next year or wish to know more about the club, please feel free to contact this email address: 22minan@nagoyais.net
Click here to watch the student talks from the 2021 NIS Ted-Ed Event!