What is International Women’s Day?
Coming up this week on March 8th is International Women’s Day, an important day to celebrate women’s achievements, educate and raise awareness for women’s equality, and call for positive change and advancement for women. This day celebrates women overall for their achievements!
International Women’s Day was made to pay tribute to the women’s rights movement and increase support for women’s universal suffrage. On March 8th, 1857, a march took place in New York City protesting against the unjust working conditions of female textile workers and lack of equality and rights for women. During the march they demanded a reduced workday and fair pay. At the time this was one of the most formal strikes coordinated by working women, making it a very influential and historic day. Because of this strike, we now recognize March 8th as International Women’s Day where women move towards parity and honor all the accomplishments of women around the world.
Why should we celebrate it?
It is important to celebrate International Women’s Day because it allows us to reflect on the advancement and progression of gender equality in our country, while also calling for reform for a more equal society. It’s not every day where people from all around the world can appreciate the bravery and willpower of normal women who have participated immensely in the improvement and history of their communities. The only way to move forward is to understand and respect the actions of the past, while also making an effort to modify our world for the better.
What do people do on International Women’s Day?
People all around the world celebrate International Women’s Day. Some common activities that take place on this day include a wide range of IWD campaigns, events, rallies, lobbying and performances, festivals, parties, fun runs, and celebrations. But you don’t need to do anything fancy to celebrate International Women’s Day. One Drop says some simple activities to do at home or on the go to celebrate International Women’s Day include:
Watch a documentary about women's rights.
Read books about gender equality.
Add some new podcasts to your queue.
Learn about the challenges women and girls face around the world.
Read good news about women.
Donate to organizations around the world that support women and girls.
“About International Women's Day.” International Women's Day, https://www.internationalwomensday.com/about.
Bureau, US Census. “International Women's Day: March 8, 2023.” Census.gov, 24 Feb. 2023, https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/international-womens-day.html#:~:text=It%20began%20in%20New%20York,work%20day%20and%20decent%20wages.
“Background | International Women's Day.” United Nations, United Nations, https://www.un.org/en/observances/womens-day/background#:~:text=After%20World%20War%20II%2C%208,March%20as%20International%20Women's%20Day.
One Drop. “What Is International Women's Day and Why It Is Important: One Drop Foundation.” What Is International Women's Day and Why It Is Important | One Drop Foundation, One Drop, 8 Mar. 2021, https://www.onedrop.org/en/news/what-is-international-womens-day-and-why-it-is-important/.
Baker, Kamrin. “22 Ways to Celebrate International Women's Day (2023).” Good Good Good, 28 Feb. 2023, https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/how-to-celebrate-international-womens-day.
One Drop. “What Is International Women's Day and Why It Is Important: One Drop Foundation.” What Is International Women's Day and Why It Is Important | One Drop Foundation, One Drop, 8 Mar. 2021, https://www.onedrop.org/en/news/what-is-international-womens-day-and-why-it-is-important/.